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Posts Tagged ‘pps’

PerformancePoint Filter – Save as my defaults permissions

Posted by denglishbi on February 8, 2013

It has been a while since I did some blogs, so time to get going again.  What better way to start than with a PerformancePoint one, right?  This is a post that I have been meaning to do, particularly after I responded to a post about it in the PPS M & A forums here – PerformancePoint Filter – Save as default permissions.  I had come across this particular issue at a few client sites as well.  The ‘Save as my defaults’ option for filters was a new capability that was added with SharePoint 2010 SP1 and I posted a blog on the new features added to PerformancePoint with SP1 here PerformancePoint 2010 Cascading & Apply Filters – SP1 Features.

So, for those of you not familiar with the ‘Save as my defaults’ option here is what it looks like:


And it is part of the Apply Filters settings in the ‘Save options’ towards the bottom, you can either show or hide the check box to save the filter choices.


First off, the Apply Filters button allows users to make changes to the filters without the changes immediately refreshing the content they are connected to (similar to the View Report or Apply button for Reporting Services reports).

The ‘Save as my defaults’ check box pretty much does as it says, a user can make a selection, check the box, and then click the Apply Filters button.  This when then store the parameters for this particular dashboard page so that when the user returns to this page the selections will be restored.  So even if the user makes different selections from the list, PerformancePoint will remember the values that were saved when the check box was enabled.

In the image below I make the selections ‘Accessories’ and ‘North Amer’ and check the box to save the defaults.


I then click the Apply Filters button and the dashboard items refresh and you will notice that the check box is disabled.


If I make a change to the geography filter and select Europe and click Apply Filters the dashboard items connected to the filters will refresh.


Now if I refresh the entire page (click F5) I see that my original filters that I selected and applied when using the ‘Save as my defaults’ check box are restored.


So this is pretty cool, but how does this work for a typical user that has view-only permissions to the dashboard.


Well, it doesn’t because the option to ‘Save as my defaults’ is disabled.  Hmmm… well that doesn’t help.  So what is the secret SharePoint permission that needs to be added so that this is enabled without making the user a dashboard admin?  Good question.  Well I wasn’t able to find any documentation on this and even when these new features came out there wasn’t that much documentation.  Basically after a little trial-and-error (or guessing-and-testing) I came across the additional permission that is needed.  The permission that is needed is in the Personal Permissions section and is ‘Update Personal Web Parts – Update Web Parts to display personalized information.’


Once that is added then the check box is enabled for the user and can be used.


Pretty simple. 

NOTE: one thing I noticed with this, and I would say that it is a bug in my opinion (don’t believe this has been fixed in a CU), is that if the same filters are used on other pages and changed and you come back to the original page where you used the Apply Filters and ‘Save as my defaults’ option, the values will be overridden based on the selections on the other page.  The original defaults will not be used, so seems to be a scoping thing in my opinion as to how the filter values are saved, not working as I would expect, they are saved at the filter level versus the page.  So the defaults can actually be wiped out if the same filters are used on other pages without the Apply Filters button.  If the Apply Filters button is used on all pages then it appears you are okay.

Posted in PerformancePoint | Tagged: , , , | 3 Comments »

Using PerformancePoint Services (PPS) with PowerPivot SQL Server 2012 RC0

Posted by denglishbi on February 9, 2012

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Last year I did a posting on Using PowerPivot with PerformancePoint Services (PPS) 2010. I thought it would be a good idea to do an updated posting with the new release of PowerPivot that will be coming out this year to show the new features that you will be able to take advantage of now.

Before we get started I need to point out that if you setup your SharePoint environment with a fresh install of SQL Server 2012 that you will also need to download and install the Analysis Services ADOMD.NET (version 10.5) data provider from the SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Feature Pack.


I had previously tried to reference PowerPivot SQL Server 2012 in the “Denali” CTP3 and in RC0 release and received the following error message when trying to configure the connection string in the PerformancePoint data source setup:

An error occurred connecting to this data source. Please check the data source for any unsaved changes and click on Test Data Source button to confirm connection to the data source.

I was glad that after reporting this that a resolution was found and that simply installing the older version of the ADOMD.NET provider was able to bridge the gap to the new version of the PowerPivot files with PerformancePoint – You Can Use SQL Server “Denali” PowerPivot Models as PerformancePoint 2010 Data Sources.  After you install the version 10.5 release of the data provider you will need to perform a iisreset after the installation to get this working properly in your environment so that you can create the data source in Dashboard Designer.  The previous version of the ADOMD.NET data provider was not needed to connect to the new Tabular version of SSAS, just for PowerPivot.

What’s New?

Okay, so now that we got that covered what are we able to do with the new release of PowerPivot?  Let’s take a look and see what has changed.

New Features Available in PowerPivot (disclaimer: this is based on the SQL Server 2012 RC0 release of PowerPivot) to use with PerformancePoint:

  • Hierarchies! – yes, now we can define hierarchies in our data model such as Calendar with Year, Quarter, Month, and Date levels or Products with Category, Subcategory, and Product levels. In order to add hierarchies you have to use the new Diagram View that is another new feature to see a visual representation of your data model.  In addition to this you can also setup Parent-Child hierarchies as well with some of the new DAX capabilities with the PATH and PATHITEM functions to setup your levels and get at the relationships.
  • Measures and formatting – measures are defined in the PowerPivot Window and part of our model. Another very nice feature that we can do now is set the format for measures that we define in the data model. So if we want to display the sales or profit we can do this in currency or if we want to display gross profit margin we can do that as a percent and we can specify the comma separator and number of decimals as well.
  • Column sorting – in the R2 release of PowerPivot you might have noticed that everything was sorting alphabetically. So if you worked with say days of the week or month names you would have had to come up with some alternate naming conventions to get the values to display in the correct order that we are used to seeing them. Well in the 2012 release we now have the ability to base the sort order of a column off another columns, just like we can do in the Multidimensional Analysis Services development. So if we have a column for month number of year we can use that to properly sort the month names and we no longer have to incorporate the month number into the description that we display in our reports.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – you can define these now in your data model, but unfortunately at the time of this post you are not able to import KPIs from Tabular data models.  There is currently an open bug on connect related to this issue – can’t make PerformancePoint scorecard by importing tabular KPIs (feel free to vote this one up).
  • Drillthrough (show details) – there is now drillthrough support for Tabular data models, so you can use the show details options on measures in your Analytical Reports. Granted you don’t have any abilities to customize the drillthrough output in PowerPivot models (Tabular will have this thanks to Greg Galloway and BIDS Helper), but you can see the detail data in the table that makes up the number.


In the new Diagram View we can now right-click on a column in one of our tables and select the context menu option ‘Create Hierarchy’


We can then provide a meaningful name to the hierarchy (something besides Hierarchy1) and drag additional columns down into the hierarchy to add levels for users to provide the navigation path.


Now in this example I already used the RELATED function to pull in the product category and subcategory names into the product table.  I have also hidden the ProductSubcategory and ProductCategory tables from client tools so they will not be visible to the users when the data model is deployed (in the first image you can see that those tables are dimmed out, more transparent than the product table).  Now I might want to go ahead and rename the last item in my hierarchy here so that it is a little more cleaner.


In doing so you can see that in parenthesis I can still see the actual column in my data that it is referencing.  Now I could go ahead and hide the individual source columns that are being represented in our hierarchy.  This would force the users of the model to have to use the hierarchy to navigate the data.  That would be fine in most cases, but if you are going to use this data model with Power View you will want to keep them in the model since the initial release of Power View in SQL Server 2012 will not support hierarchies.  So if you hide them then you will not be able to see those columns or the hierarchy in your model and the users would not be able to properly analyze and report on the data.

In addition to the typical user defined hierarchies I also mentioned there is support for parent-child hierarchies.  So if you have a self-referencing table such as an Employee table that contains EmployeeKey and ParentEmployeeKey columns you can utilize DAX to establish the hierarchy path for each row and then defined the levels like the following:


=PATH(Employee[EmployeeKey], Employee[ParentEmployeeKey])

And once you have that setup you can setup additional calculated columns for each of the levels in the path that can then be used back in the Diagram View to establish the hierarchy just like the Products one above.


=LOOKUPVALUE(Employee[EmployeeName],Employee[EmployeeKey], PATHITEM(Employee[EmployeePath], 1,1))


Measures and Formatting

Another nice feature is the ability to designate the format output of the measures you define.  In the R2 release of PowerPivot you had to do this in Excel where you also created the measures and it was not actually part of the data model.  Well in this release not only is this capability part of the data model, but so are the measures.

First of all you have the ability to create and define explicit measures in your data model now.  There is a new portion in each table in our PowerPivot Window called the Calculation Area.  This is where we can define measures that will then become part of our data model.  Granted measures can still be created in Excel, but in doing this they will not get added back into the data model and exposed in the PowerPivot Window.


Now that we have some measures defined we can go ahead and add formatting to each of these by selecting the measure and using the Formatting section in the Home tab of the Ribbon or right-clicking on the measure and selecting Format… to open up the Formatting dialog box.

NOTE: when using PowerPivot with tools like PerformancePoint, Report Builder, and Report Designer (BIDS) you will need to define explicit measures.  Implicit measures will work in Excel with PowerPivot and in Power View, but not with these other tools.


The Calculation Area is a free form area and you can enter measures in any of the cells and the syntax you use is Measure Name:=[DAX Expression]

In the first screenshot above where I have the Reseller Total Sales measure I could actually take that and enter that in the Calculation Area in another table if I wanted.  In doing so I would have to alter the DAX a bit and make a direct reference to the table name like such – Reseller Total Sales:=SUM(ResellerSales[SalesAmount])

Column Sorting

In the v2 release of PowerPivot we now have the ability to define the way a column is sorted based on another column.  So for example in my Date table if I have a column called EnglishDayNameOfWeek with values Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc. and I have another column called DayNumberOfWeek with values 1, 2, 3, etc. I can set the sort order of the first column to be based on the second column.  If we did not do this then the names would simply be sorted alphabetically like they were in v1 of PowerPivot.  In v1 of PowerPivot you could simply sort the values in Ascending order in a PivotTable to correct this, but in Slicers you did not have that ability and would have to typically setup a calculated column to sort the values properly like 1 Sun, 2 Mon, 3 Tue, etc.


Once you have the column selected you can then select the Sort by Column option in the Ribbon.  This will then open up the Sort by Column dialog box where you can specify the column to be sorted and then which column defines how it should be sorted.


You can use this to not only get typical items sorted properly like the days of the week and month names, but you could also use this to define custom report sorting that users would like to see.  So say you have predefined names you use to categorize your customers based on their sales like Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, etc. and this is how you want them displayed on your report (in this particular order).  Well now you can be defining another column in the table that has the values 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. respectively and setup the Sort by Column.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Defining KPIs in the PowerPivot models is a new feature that is available.  As I mentioned though, currently you are not able to import these into PerformancePoint to create an Analysis Services scorecard like you can with Multidimensional Analysis Services.  As an example though, here is what you can do if you want to set this up so that you can use them in Excel (which could then be displayed with Excel Services in your dashboard) or with Reporting Services (which could also be displayed in your dashboard).

First you need to define an explicit measure like we already did above with Reseller Total Sales.  Once you have this selected you can then click on the Create KPI option available in the Measures section of the Home tab in the Ribbon or you can right-click on the measure and select the option to Create KPI…  This will then open up the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dialog box.


In the dialog box you can then specify the target to compare the measure to and this can reference another measure in the data model or an absolute value.  Once you have that defined you can then adjust the thresholds and select your icon styles.  Make sure you pick an appropriate icon style that not only has a color option, but also a shape to differentiate it because as I have noted before, there are people that are color blind (so do not just go with the default first icon style selection).

The other thing that you can do is specify some descriptions for the KPI (descriptions are another new feature and these are available on other items such as tables, columns, and measures).  The descriptions are then displayed to the end-user in say Excel when they are working with the PowerPivot field list and hovering over the items.


Once you have this setup you will notice a new icon next to the measure in the Calculation area (and in the Diagram View) which signifies that it is now configured as a KPI.


Just remember, you cannot import these currently into PerformancePoint, so you will still have to manually setup the KPIs.  Hopefully this will be resolved, just watch the Connect item link I provided above and feel free to vote it up as well.

Drillthrough (Show Details)

Not much to say here other than the fact that you can now get to the detail records that make up a particular measure value when displayed in Excel and in PerformancePoint.  So in PerformancePoint if you have the KPIs setup with the Data value calculation instead of the Default or you are displaying the measures in an Analytical Report you will now be able to select the Show Details option and actually display the individual rows that are in that table that make up the value.

The End Result – Dashboard in PPS

Okay, so now we know what the features are we can use, what do they look like in PerformancePoint.  Let’s take a look at that.


And last but not least….


Pretty sweet and I am looking forward to the new feature support.

If you are looking for the downloadable sample files for SQL Server 2012 take a look here SQL Server 2012 Samples ReadMe.

Posted in PerformancePoint, PowerPivot, SharePoint | Tagged: , , , | 10 Comments »

SharePoint 2010 Cumulative Update October 2011 is available

Posted by denglishbi on October 30, 2011

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UPDATE (11/3/2011): Apparently the documentation that was released is incorrect and should be updated shortly for PerformancePoint Services.  The issue with the context menu is going to be part of the December CU update, so stay tuned.

Just this past week another SharePoint 2010 CU was released.  The one thing that I wanted to point out is that there is a update for PerformancePoint Services (PPS) included in this CU.  What has fixed with PPS?  Additional support for the iPad devices!  There has been a long outstanding issue with being able to utilize the right-click content menu in Analytical Reports on iPad.SharePoint2010 (issue resolution not part of this CU, wait till Dec)

PerformancePoint Services hotfix (KB 2596590)
Issues that this hotfix package fixes

This hotfix package contains several fixes that enable PerformancePoint Dashboard on Apple iPad devices. These fixes provide the following improvements:

  • The fixes enable the “tap and hold” feature so that right-click to open context menus can be accessed. (issue resolution not part of this CU, wait till Dec)
  • The fixes provide several HTML and CSS changes to accommodate inconsistencies in the way that Apple Safari displays dashboards on iPad devices.

This is build 14.0.6112.5000 of the cumulative update package.

So if you have people trying to leverage iPad devices with your PerformancePoint dashboards in SharePoint 2010 go ahead and download the new CU to provide them the fully benefits of the analytical functionality.

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PerformancePoint 2010 Cascading & Apply Filters – SP1 Features

Posted by denglishbi on June 29, 2011

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I downloaded and installed SharePoint 2010 SP1 so I could check out the new additions the PerformancePoint.  Typically you would only see hotfixes included in a service pack, but in this one we get a few new features like cascading filters and a new apply filters button (with saving defaults filter) options.  Let’s take a quick tour of these new features to see how you use them and what they do to your dashboard pages.

Cascading Filters

This is not a new concept, but for PerformancePoint it is.  In Reporting Services you have always had the ability to setup parameters so that the selection in one parameter list would be able to filter the available values in another parameter list.  Well now this has been added to PerformancePoint and it is available with the Multidimensional Filter types – Member Selection, MDX Query, and Named Set filter types.  When you go to create a new filter of one of these types you will see a new setting in them.  This new option is to select a measure (metric) that will be used to pass a query to the other filter to return the list of available values that satisfy that query.

Member Selection


The new selection is the ‘Filter measure:’ option and the informational dialog box states the following:

Select the measure used to determine which values to display when this filter is driven by another filter.

This is the measure (metric) that will be used in combination with the filter member values passed to this filter to display the available list of values to the end-user to select from. So if I had a filter that was for Product Category and passed that to another filter that was Product Subcategory and the Product Subcategory was configured with ‘Sales Amount’ measure then the Product Subcategory filter would display a list of items that had ‘Sales Amount’ for the Product Category items that were selected.  A tad bit confusing perhaps, but this is how it works.

MDX Query


Named Set


This option is not available with the other filter types, just the ones displayed above – Member Selection, MDX Query, and the Named Set.

Ok, so now that you have a tour of that new option lets setup a dashboard with a couple of filters and a report.

Create Filters

Member Selection – Product Category


Member Selection – Product Subcategory


Create Analytical Grid Report


In this report I used the Product hierarchy and chose only the Product Name descendants of All, picked the Calendar Year hierarchy, and placed the Sales Amount measure in the background. I also used the filter option to remove blank rows and columns.

Create Dashboard and Connect the Items


For the connections I connected the two filters together and then connected the Product Subcategory to the Product Sales report.

Connection to the Product Subcategory filter

image  image

Connection to the Product Sales Analytical Grid Report – uses a connection formula as well

image  image  image

In this example I am leveraging a Connection Formula.  The reason I am doing this is because the hierarchies that are involved in this example.  I am not referencing the same hierarchy in each item and I want to be able to display the product names in the report instead of the subcategory values.  So I am taking the display name in the subcategory filter and using that in a formula to return the children (product names) in the report.

Deployed Dashboard in SharePoint


You can see that the subcategory filter is filtered by the category filter and only the ‘Tv and Video’ subcategory members are being listed.  The subcategory filter selection is also filtering the report which is displaying all of the product names that are associated with the ‘Television’ subcategory.

If we make another selection in the category list we will see everything get updated again.


Pretty slick.

Ok, now on to the other new feature that was added into the service pack 1 – Apply Filters Button.

Apply Filters Button

When you setup a dashboard now you will see a new selection in the Details pane in the Filters section called ‘Apply Filters Button’.


So what is this for?  Hmmm, is this something similar to Reporting Services perhaps?  Answer – Yes, with an added bonus.


If you drag and drop this onto the dashboard page and go into the edit settings for this new item you will get some options you can configure.  The first one is the text that you would like to be displayed on the dashboard page for the button.  And the next one is whether or not you would like to provide a checkbox for the end users to be able to save their selections for this dashboard page – this will be stored as their default values for these filters.  This means that when they come back to this page at a later time these filter selections will automatically be selected for them.  In the past the last selection of items from the filters was always saved and stored for the users, but now they have the control to determine which values get saved (if you want them to – optional).


The other thing about this new feature is that when you make selections from the filters the items in the dashboard (with the exception of linked filters) will not be filtered.  In order to get the other items to filter on the dashboard you need to click the button.  Once you do this your scorecards and reports will refresh and display the data based on the selections in the filters (assuming they are connected of course).

I was hoping that this feature might somehow allow you to retain your default member selection settings in the initial filter setup, but that does not appear to be the case.  The application still retains the last selection by the user unless you provide them the ability to save their own defaults with the new ‘Apply Filters Button’ option.

Anyway, these are just a couple of the new features along with hotfixes that are available in service pack 1.

Check out more information here:


By the way, after I upgraded to SP1 the build version of Dashboard Designer was the following:



Prior to the upgrade it was:



I had installed a hotfix prior to doing the service pack 1 install.  I wanted to check out some other fixes before this release – PerformancePoint Services 2010 (PPS) Hotfixes.

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PerformancePoint Services 2010 (PPS) Hotfixes

Posted by denglishbi on May 5, 2011

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Yesterday I decided to take a quick glance at the TechNet Support site to see if there had been any new hotfixes released for the latest version of PerformancePoint.  I know that there was a fix added in SQL Server 2008 R2 CU5, PerformancePoint Services 2010 Analytical Grid Filter Fix, Sort of, but I was wondering if there was anything else.  Well it turns out there has been.  So far I was able to track down 3 hotfixes in addition to the SQL CU and then there has also been a SharePoint CU as well that includes these as well.

Title KB Article Information
SharePoint Server 2010 Cumulative Update Server Hotfix Package (MOSS server-package): March 3, 2011 KB 2475878 Cumulative update of hotfixes for SharePoint Server 2010
PerformancePoint Server 2010 hotfix package (ppsmawfe-x-none.msp, ppsmamui-xx-xx.msp): February 22, 2011 KB 2496951 Query String (URL) filter web part fix with scorecards and decomposition tree
FIX: An analytic grid that is connected to SSAS 2008 R2 returns incorrect data when you apply a filter to the analytic grid in PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer KB 2463203 The fix for this is actually included in CU 5 for SQL Server 2008 R2. Refer to my blog posting above that discusses the issue and shows what has been done. There is a forum thread in regards to this as well – filter value function not working on analytic grid
PerformancePoint Server 2010 hotfix package (ppsmamui-xx-xx.msp, ppsmawfe-x-none.msp): December 14, 2010 KB 2466270 Scorecard fix for dimension names that include a % symbol.
PerformancePoint Server 2010 hotfix package (Ppsmawfe.msp): October 26, 2010 KB 2422440 Fix for Decomposition Tree displaying captions in multiple languages for the MUI


So far this is all I have tracked down.  Hopefully now that this is fully baked into the SharePoint product now, for the most part, that the hotfixes and updates will be released a bit more frequently and be easier to track down.  Maybe the PPS team will even blog about them as well?  After all they took a six month break from blogging, so hopefully they have some good stuff built up to share now.

If you are looking for a list of fixes for PerformancePoint 2007 I have one compiled here – PerformancePoint Server 2007 Build List and Hotfix Update.

Posted in PerformancePoint | Tagged: , , | 1 Comment »

PerformancePoint Services (PPS) Wish List

Posted by denglishbi on February 11, 2011

I have been working with the PerformancePoint product since the early CTP days back in 2006.  I previously had experience using the ProClarity product that was acquired and partial converted into the PerformancePoint product.  With the release of PerformancePoint Services in SharePoint 2010 last year there have been some significant enhancements and additions to the product, but there are still some items that we would all like to see.  Over the years I have read and heard complaints of features that are missing.  Some of these are valid, but there are others where I can see why it was ‘by design’.  Below I have compiled my list of items that I would like to see included and enhanced in the product.

1. Include the ProClarity Performance Map (Heat Map) and Perspective reports – these are two ‘key’ and extremely informative options that have just been glossed over and would add so much value to the product offering.  I am baffled why they have not been included.  I find these two views more valuable than the Decomposition Tree that was finally added into the current release (although it still can not be a starting point, it is available to use to explore the multidimensional data).  The ability to analyze two metrics at the same time to determine impact and search out anomalies is a must.  Even though ProClarity views can still be referenced in current product, it just is not the same and requires setup and configuration of additional product.

ProClarity Performance Map viewProClarity Perspective view

2. Allow users to save and share analytical views (reports) – often when users are exploring existing analytical reports they come across a new and interesting view of the data.  It would be great if this view of the report could be saved to use as a starting point and shared with other users to help streamline report creation and sharing of information.  Another feature that was available in ProClarity.

3. Provide Analytical Map report – another nice visualization feature that was added in SSRS 2008 R2 and is available in other competing products.  It would be nice to have this option available even though you can leverage the SSRS reports in PerformancePoint to add more value to the product offering.  Enhance the map experience as well with zooming and dragging functionality as well just like users would expect.

4. KPI alerts – this was available in Business Scorecard Manager so that you could receive notifications based on criteria – Scorecard Alerts in BSM 2005.  This did leverage SQL Server Notification Services and I have heard rumors of a new alerting mechanism coming in the near future.  Currently there is a solution that you can purchase – Bidoma Alert.

5. Ability to control chart types for data series in Analytical Reports – current version provides option to include a bar (actually a column, but called a bar…) and line chart option if one of the measures is a percentage (automatically generates second y-axis).  ProClarity provided way to select a data series and chose the options independently of each other and they could be the same data type – this allowed you to show say current year sales measure in columns and previous year in a line.

6. More Analytical Charting options – provide the ability to select or provide a color scheme (you can do this in the other Microsoft products, why not here as well?); include axis labels; add more chart types – bar (in addition to the column charts already included that are called bar), area, range, polar, funnel, scatter, polar, gauges; include 3D option (although I am not a fan of the 3D, it does provide some eye candy); make data labels optional (would be great for Pie charts which are just another bad visualization, but people like them); add zoom support to select and zoom in/out in portions of the reports.

7. More linking (connection) options – ability to link filters to each other to create cascading filter functionality, ability to link Analytical reports to other items (if I can link to them, why not the other way?)

8. Provide dashboard preview functionality in Dashboard Designer – why do I need to deploy the dashboard to view how it will look and function?  I can preview Report Builder, why not in Dashboard Designer as well?

9. Enhance Person Responsible property – tie this into Active directory and provide the ability to quickly interact and view that person’s contact information and status.  Currently have to use additional web parts for this functionality.  Ability to include mailto for hyperlink would be nice, but doesn’t appear to be an option like it was in BSM 2005.  Being able to view status and availability would be extremely nice and you can do this with SharePoint lists

10. Provide printing and export functionality for dashboard and report items – ability to export each item independently is there, but not the whole dashboard, plus printing options to print and scale a dashboard or individual report would be great feature.  There is a printing option you can purchase though – PerformancePoint Print WebPart.

11. Add slider filter option for Time filters – users continue to ask for options to be able to selected a start and end date type of filter.  By adding a slider filter option so that the user can select a starting and ending point range for the filter would be a very nice option.  This is available in other competing products.  So for example here is a slider control filter from Bing Travel that allows me to select a range of time

 slider filter

12. Bring in the Silverlight charts – end users like the eye candy and adding in the Decomposition Tree only brings about the question why not in the other Analytical Reports.  Enhance the visuals so that they look appealing to the consumers.  For me it is all about the data and information, but the consumers also want the experience and visuals (like the Pie chart).  In the end it is the end users that will be using the tools and pay for the product, if we can enhance and make the experience appealing and blow them away with neat visuals than this will only increase user adoption rates.  Unleash the Silverlight toolkit and bring it into PerformancePoint analytical reports.  Russell Christopher has a couple of outstanding examples of the sliding bubble chart and heat map – bring these visualizations into the product to provide more value.  We have all been waiting for the Hockey Treemap Visualization to become a reality and part of the product offering, why has the heat map not been added yet?

sliding bubble chartheat maptreemap visualization

13. Ok, I need one more for the bakers dozen.  Mobile version for phones.  Okay, you can view the SharePoint dashboard pages on the tablet and pad like devices (sorry I just can’t say the Apple words).  The functionality isn’t too bad.  What about for the phones?  Being able to provide a version or app that can be installed to display Analytical reports that have been developed would be a nice feature.  Maybe this can already be done and since I just use my phone for a phone and not all of the enhanced online capabilities it is just my lack of knowledge here.  We can definitely see that the push to mobile like devices and access to information away from the desk/office is definitely happening, so provide a solution leveraging the items that have already been created.

We definitely need a better way to communicate with the product team like there is for SQL Server so that bugs and suggestions can be easily shared and monitored.  Creating support cases and sending feedback into a black hole is not convenient.  Leaving comments on the product teams blog is not a good long term solution either, why can’t we use the Microsoft Connect site to communicate with the team like we do with SQL Server? (maybe we can and I am just not aware of it)

I am not the only one that is requesting similar features and functionality.  For more items (and some of these have been added in PerformancePoint 2010) take a look at this thread in the PPS M&A forum – PerformancePoint Monitoring Feature Suggestions.

If you have more items like you would like to see, please leave comments, who knows, maybe someone is listening and reading this and we can get these on the list for the next release of PerformancePoint assuming that this is still on the radar for maintaining this product and that it will not be swapped out with something else like ‘Crescent’.  I know that ‘Crescent’ is supposed to be a reporting tool, but it sure does provide a lot of analytical capabilities just like PowerPivot.

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